Post Birthday Update

I had a wonderful birthday, and the surprises didn't stop until just before I went to bed.

After a big group of us went to eat Mexican food, my daughter, my guy and I went back to the house. As is typical at our house after a meal, the guy and the little gal went to the kitchen to fix themselves a bowl of ice cream. So I just stayed on the couch and relaxed. As my mom used to say, "I was resting my eyes," when the two started singing the Happy Birthday song. I opened my eyes and saw this:

I had threatened my child with immediate death if she told any of the waiters at the restaurant that it was my birthday. There was no way I would be standing in a chair with a sombrero on my head while restaurant employees sang "Hoppy Bird day toe yoe...!!!" to me. I assured her I would repay the favor tenfold if she even THOUGHT about doing that to me. But she said she just couldn't have my special day go by without having somebody sing to me. So she waited until we got home and sang to me herself. Isn't she sweet? Just a jewel-of-a-kid!

The cake, as I wrote in the previous post, was baked by my guy. It was yummy! But that wasn't all he surprised me with. It is said that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I don't know if I believe that, but I do know that the way to many a girl's heart is through her feet. And the man knows just what I like to put on mine.

Oh, for all that is good and pure... these are GORGEOUS shoes! Apparently he's had them since March. In the past year or so, he has bought me several pairs of really kickin' shoes. And he knows my tastes precisely. So my favorite cake and a fine pair of shoes... you can't beat that with a stick!

My 42nd birthday turned out to be a really, really good day! Kinda made the 'getting older' thing seem not quite so bad.


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