A Fashionable Team Effort

I feel like I've been hit by a Mac truck.

Yesterday was our Fall Style Show at the club. But for the first time ever, we held the event at night. I have for the past year or so received numerous requests to try an evening show, mostly from working ladies who cannot usually take two hours off work in the middle of the day to come to the luncheons. So, after talking with our staff and our ownership, I decided to give it a go.

It's pretty nerve wracking to change a "staple" event so drastically, especially one that typically draws 150-200 people. I changed the format, the stage, the music, the food... EVERYTHING. To get the room to look like I wanted, I worked two straight 12 hour days and did some of the manual labor myself, hence the "hit by a truck" issue.

One of the hardest things I did was to climb up and down a ladder to put purple gels on 25 ceiling lights which was VERY scary for me since I don't like heights. Every time I got up to the top, my hands would start sweating and I'd get dizzy. Plus, the ladder was not real sturdy, and I had to stand on my toes to reach our ridiculously tall ceilings. My neck and back are killing me, but it was worth it. The room had a really cool soft purple glow!

All in all, I'd say the event was a success. There are several things I would change, though, and the staff and I will sit down and discuss the good and the bad next week, and decide as a group whether or not we will do another evening style show event. There is so much that goes into putting on an event like this one, and the coolest part of my job is the group of people with whom I'm so blessed to work. I couldn't do any of it without Betsy, who I've written about before; Cliff, who is the world's best boss; Leah, who's our accountant and one of my confidants; and then there's the Food and Beverage staff - Lane, John, Scott and the whole waitstaff - who physically create the vision. I have learned in the 4 1/2 years I've worked here that there are people surrounding me who I can actually count on. If they tell me they are going to do something... they do it. That's a new thing for me. It's cuts out the worrying part of it. I know I'll get my part done, and I am also 100% confident that the others involved will take care of their parts. It's truly a team effort. Before now, I've never really been part of that kind of team... not in work and certainly not in my personal life. I have come to think of my coworkers as not only friends, but family. It's such a blessing.

I'll post some pictures when I get them back from Allison, our photographer extraordinaire. But today I'm just going to relax and recuperate. I took the day off!


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